Photography is a luxury. Newborn photography, in particular, can be an occurrence that many people deem an unnecessary expense. After all, we all have cell phones, right?
But who’s to say that after birthing a child you’ll feel up to taking a bunch of cell phone photos? Maybe you’ll be so preoccupied with first time motherhood, or older children running around that you simply forget to capture those details. How about photos of YOU with your baby? Cell phones are a wonderful tool for the every day snaps, but once you see your child’s face, in the crisp and perfect detail that a professional photo can offer, there really is no comparison. A professional newborn photographer knows exactly the best poses, exactly the best light, and as a bonus they usually have lots of adorable props to use during a session.
Recently, I did a quick survey on Instagram for newer mothers. I asked if they had newborn photos taken. Many people had, which makes my heart feel full. Some people hadn’t. The next question was to ask why they hadn’t. Every single participant said it was because the expense was too much. My last question was the most important, and the most alarming. I asked if they regretting not having the photos done.
Every. Single. Person. Regretted. It.
Newborn photography is a luxury, but it is also an investment. While it may seem unnecessary at the time, you will more than likely feel the regret if you don’t invest. Anyone with children will tell you that babies change and grow SO quickly – right under your nose. Don’t let the opportunity fly away to create gorgeous images that you will cherish for the rest of your life.
But what if you can’t afford it? That’s fair. As I said, newborn photos are a luxury, and when you have so many other expenses to think about with a new baby, it may seem rather low-priority. When you book a session with us, we take a deposit of 50%, with the remainder due on the date of your actual session. So if you book early (which we ALWAYS recommend), that broken-up cost will feel significantly more manageable. Another great option is to ask a few people to contribute towards a session at your baby shower. These photos will also benefit grandparents, aunts and uncles, so why not give them the opportunity to contribute?
We’re booking into 2020 at this point, and dates for the rest of 2019 are booking up quickly, so please don’t wait. I promise the investment will be worth it.